You might be a cool person but going on a date for the first time can make anyone nervous. Nevertheless it will also be exciting as you are about to discover a lot of things about the other person. A key to successful date is to be you as much as possible, not to overdo anything and avoid awkward topics or moments.
There are lot of things for you to talk or do on your first date, however if you want your date to be smooth it is quite essential to avoid few things. Something like talking about your ex-spouse/girlfriend, picking your nose, being late for date, cancelling your date at last moment, taking your kids along or talking on length about them should be avoided by both genders. However there are some gender specific tips as well.
For Guys –
- Dress properly – Girls appreciate a well dressed guy and no one intends to meet a shabby one, on their first date.
- Shave – Remember to look clean; do not land up looking goateed. It can turn your date off.
- Do not talk about sex – Talking about sex during your first date is least expected, it shows your interest for bedroom interiors. How much ever you want to bring up the topic, keep it for later meetings.
- Do not order messy food – You may be die hard foodie but that does not mean you order a crab and try to cut it open on your first date. Order something which is not messy, you can relish your favourite stuff some other time or maybe after your date left the place.
- Do not interview – Do not get confused between your date and interview. You would probably want to learn a lot of thing about her, but do not sound too curious or inquisitive. Sooner or later you will know all that to wish too.
- Do not complain about the bill – Carry enough cash or card as your bill may be surprisingly high. Complaining about the bill will make you sound like a penny-pincher and ah what a poor host.
For girls –
- Do not overdress – Your first date is not meant to be a fashion parade. Dress well and look elegant. Revealing too much and applying a lot of makeup would make you look desperate. Avoid it.
- Do not talk about marriage and babies – Marriage and babies is a next to heart topic for all ladies. But be sure to avoid talking about it during your first date, or else you would make the guy more nervous.
- Talk less and meaningful – Do not go around blabbering about irrelevant stuff. Have an interesting talk, speak about your choices, hobbies and understand his.
- Offer to help in the cheque – A guy would not like to share the cheque but he will surely appreciate if you ask for.
- Let the guy make the first move – Whether it is kissing or anything else, do not jump for it. Let him take the initiative. After all Adams are made for initiation in love making moments.