Technology has been updating on daily basis and it’s the need of the hour to be updated with the latest and ongoing technology updates and developments. There are many blogs which would help one to be aware of the latest technology updates. Today we shall review the best technology blogs which can serve as the best dose on technology news. Following are some of the best tech blogs that one can subscribe to:
- ZDnet.com– First to come in the list of tech blogs would be ZDnet.com. It was founded in 1991 (formerly known as ‘ZiffNet’) and later on taken over by CNET in 2000. It was launched initially as a subscription based digital service to offer computing information. ZiffNet was initially intended to serve as a single platform to search all content from Ziff – Davis publications. ZDnet launched ‘Tech- Life’ which was basically a network of six consumer focused sites. This initiative was launched with an aim to attract parents, music listeners, gadget enthusiast, gamers and basic users at the same time.
- TechCrunch.com– The second biggest blog would be TechCrunch and also younger than ZDnet.com. The site has good team along with good network of sites which includes ‘MobileCrunch’, ‘TalkCrunch’ and ‘CrunchGear’. TechCrunch operates CrunchBase – a database of companies and startups including 500,000 data points profiling people, companies, funds etc with more than 50,000 active contributors towards the database. The database has 2 million users accessing the database every month. TechCrunch also initiated an award named ‘Crunchies’ which is felicitated to the most compelling startups, internet and technology innovations of the year.
- Mashable.com– A British-American website whose primary focus has always been social media, but it has good technology updates as well. It covers broad news and developments in the domain of mobile, entertainment, online video, technology, gadgets and many more. Mashable was launched by Pete Cashmore in July 2005 from his home in Scotland. Over the period of time, Mashable has also added several awards and accolades to its credits. In addition, Mashable had launched 1st International Open Web Awards with an aim to recognize the best online services and communities.
- Gizmodo.com– Gizmodo is a design and technology blog which is part of Gawker Media network. The blog runs on a platform called Kinja – renowned news aggregator platform. It was launched in 2002 and originally edited by Peter Rojas. The site gained popularity amongst the tech savvy audience to an extent that by mid-2004, Gizmodo along with Gawker started earning $6,500 per month. Owing to its popularity, in 2005 VNU along with Gawker Media republished Gizmodo across Europe with VNU’s help to translate the posts into various EU languages along with local EU news of interest. Slowly and steadily over the years the site started reaching out to maximum online audiences either by means of alliances or with good publicity. Gizmodo was the one which captured the first photos from the International Consumer Electronics Show (2007).
- Gigaom.com– A blog related Media Company was started by Om Malik in San Francisco, CA. The blog posts news, opinions, and analysis on startups, latest and emerging technologies and other related topics. The site initially had integrated other technology related news and services into its network. It had rebranded the other blogs and posted under a single umbrella after consolidating them in 2011. Today the site has channels pertaining technology news, Apple, cleantech, cloud, data, mobile etc. Since 2006, Gigaom has been organizing annual events like Gigaom Roadmap, paidContent Live, Mobilize and Structure Series. The company also launched subscription based technology service to provide in depth coverage and news services for premium customers. Following the company’s success stories, in 2012 the company reported to have monthly global audience of 5.5 million.
- Computerworld blogs– Similar to other technology blogs, this blog compiles other blogs and news services in technology domain. Computerworld is a digital magazine and website targeted towards IT and business tech professionals. The site is published across globe with different versions specific to different country. The parent company Computerworld US caters the needs of IT and business professionals by covering news in information technologies, emerging and upcoming technologies, career options and also analysis of technology trends. It also publishes various reports such as 100 Best Places to Work in IT, IT Salary Survey etc.
- HowToGeek.com– An online technology magazine focused on providing news and related services in technology. Written in simple language and it also considers the not so tech geek as its audience in addition to the tech savvy audience. It was founded in October 2006 and has evolved over the period of time to provide users an interesting bunch of technology articles.
- Official Google Enterprise Blog– The official blog from Google is also an interesting blog which provides the latest and emerging technology news. The site is primarily focused on providing useful information on Google for Work products and also at the same time bringing in news across the world on apps which seamlessly integrates with the Google apps. It would be the preferred choice for IT professionals, businessmen and organizations in IT.
- Unofficial Apple Weblog – Known as TUAW, The Unofficial Apple Weblog was founded in 2004. It was launched by Weblog and is one of the most successful blogs from the company. The blog covers news, tips, reviews, analysis on everything pertaining Apple. For an Apple fan, this would be the recommended site to be updated with the ongoing developments in Apple.
- ITBusinessEdge.com– The site focused on news, analysis and trends in the area of technology for IT and business professionals. It has sections on Business Alignment and Management, Mobile Technology, Security, Sourcing, Business Integration and Governance.