Wedding is the most awaited day in any girl’s life. Wedding is a special day not only for the bride but also for the bride’s father. This is the day when he would give his daughter to her love and hand over his responsibilities to him. All dads’ plans this day with special love and affection and intend to make it memorable for her. They want to give her all that she would love to have.
Of all the things that a father can give his daughter on her wedding is his presence. No amount of lavishness or presence of people can compensate for his absence in her wedding. You both might have walked many memorable walks in your life, but the march along the aisle surely would be the one she will cherish lifelong. So be there on her day. Also, planning a wedding may be more of women’s work but your daughter will seek you every time she faces any problem. So all along the planning and thereafter she would want you to be around whenever needed. Prepare your speech for her wedding day. She will remember it forever. Make it personal and not mugged up.
A best gift to give your daughter would be something cherished and inherited in family. It could be jewelry or an antique which has been handed over through generation and now is your time to do so. If you do not have anything that has been passed on you can surely create one. Make a beautiful jewelry set or an elegant necklace which you can give her on her special occasion. You can also insert a note or a picture of you both together in the box. Precious gemstones can of course be a good choice.
You have seen your child grow; you know her habits, hobbies and passions. Gift her something she longs for a musical instrument to encourage her to continue, a book on travel to keep in her interest in travelling alive or anything which will she would love to posses.
An album of most cherished photos, a personalize gift, a video of you both together or only hers during childhood are also few options. You can always have many more ideas of what you think would be the best gift for your daughter. Whatever you may boil down on, she will surely love and appreciate it. Dance to the beautiful songs and enjoy each moment of her wedding.
Today I became his wife, but I’ll be your baby girl for life…