Every man ponders about the qualities he would like to see in his dream girl. The list can be quite big but it also needs to be reasonable. Contrary to what most women feel that they need to be super models, sexy or silly to win a guy’s mind, the fact is men want women who can stand by them, love them and is independent. Here are few such qualities most men would like to have in their partner.
Faithfulness – It is said “When it comes to relationship, remaining faithful is never an option but as a priority.” All guys want their WAGs (Wives & Girlfriends) to be loyal to them; nothing hurts them more than betrayal of their trust.
Independent – It’s true that men like to feel needed; they want to lift things for you, repair your stuff, and help you when you are emotionally down, but they definitely love to be with a woman who can take care of themselves. They want a woman who has her own friend circle, ambitions and can enjoy life on her terms.
Understanding and Supportive – Men love to be caretakers and stand strong by their spouse but they also need support and understanding in their weak moments. They need your support while dealing with their frustrations, going through ups and down of career, during financial crisis and many more. Someone who doesn’t nag him constantly, appreciates his efforts and accepts his flaws is a man’s real love.
Getting along with family and friends – No guy wishes to cut off his ties with family and friends on meeting his love. He still needs them and wants to spend quality time with them. Guys fall for women who can adjust with his family, hang around with his friends, understands their position in his life and treats them with respect. However it would be too much to expect that a girl enjoys beer on Friday night, or joins you for a golf match or feels excited at each move in basket ball.
Attractive – The definition of attractiveness differs from person to person. Some men prefer tall dusky women, while some others feel attracted to blonde beauties. Though being physically attractive might be required, other aspects like sense of humor, being brainy can also add value.
Many more characters like possessing good manners, being approachable and adaptable, sometimes passionate also draw a man’s attention and love. You might not always get all that you want, but it’s more essential to find someone who loves you unconditionally and stand by you always. As they say – “We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.”